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Open Space English. What do I value most in my life?

Nachfolgend finden Sie die Plakate, die die SuS (E-Kurs 9.4+9.3) im Rahmen des Projekts "Open Space English. What do I value most in my life?" gemacht haben. 

Das Projektkonzept:

OPEN SPACE ENGLISH is an interactive large-group brainstorming. It is an excellent way to discuss a genuine topic, it stimulates creative thinking and encourages students to speak freely.

  • 1st day (80 - 90 min): Students take part in a round table discussion. At the end of the class students give short speeches and write down their statements.
  • 2nd day (80 - 90 min): Students discuss their ideas in small groups and take the minutes.
  • 3rd day (80 - 90 min): Each group prepares a presentation and draws a poster.
  • 4th day (80 - 90 min): Each group presents and explains its point of view.

Danke an Frau Patze für die Idee und Umsetzung - Danke an die Schüler*innen für die Arbeit!

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